Integrating Tramola
In many cases, a custom MATSim version is required which also includes contribs and additional functionality. In these cases, additional code must be integrated to communicate with Tramola and to provide up-to-date data during a run to Tramola.
Required Dependency
The MATSim-Integrations project provides all the necessary code and examples to integrate Tramola in MATSim.
To use it, add the following Maven repository and dependency to your pom.xml
Try to use the latest version listed in the code repository.
Integrating into your MATSim code
For the integration of Tramola functionality into MATSim, create and initialize a TramolaMatsimIntegration
object and add it as a module to the controler, as shown in the code example below. The essential lines are marked with a *
at the beginning of the lines.
public class Run {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String configFilename = args[0];
Config config = ConfigUtils.loadConfig(configFilename);
* TramolaMatsimIntegration tramola = new TramolaMatsimIntegration(config);
* tramola.init();
Scenario scenario = ScenarioUtils.loadScenario(config);
Controler controler = new Controler(scenario);
* controler.addOverridingModule(tramola);;
Adapt your config.xml
If you start a run through Tramola, an additional config-group will be added automatically to your config.xml
. If you plan to start your MATSim simulation yourself without the help of Tramola, add the following config-group to your config.xml
to provide the necessary data for the integration to work:
<module name="tramola" >
<param name="url" value="" /> <!-- replace with your own URL -->
<param name="apiKey" value="ABCD-EFGH-IJKL-MNOP" /> <!-- replace with your own API Key -->