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Configuring Result Files

When the MATSim-Tramola integration is used, one can specify what files should be uploaded to Tramola at the end of a run.

By default, only the log-files and any output*.xml or output*.csv-file will be uploaded. But this can be changed in the config.xml by adapting the corresponding regular expression used to find matching files to upload.

Uploading the default output files

In your config.xml, add a new module named tramola and specify a parameter resultFiles as follows:

<module name="tramola" >
    <param name="resultFiles" value=".*output.*\.xml.*|.*output.*\.csv.*||logfile.*\.log" />

This is actually the default value, so if you do not specify the parameter, this value will be used.

Uploading events from multiple iterations

Instead of only uploading the final output_events.xml file, one can also upload event files from other iterations. To do this, configure the resultFiles parameter in your config.xml as follows (note the additional .*\.events\.xml.*):

<module name="tramola" >
    <param name="resultFiles" value=".*output.*\.xml.*|.*output.*\.csv.*||logfile.*\.log|.*\.events\.xml.*|.*\.events\.json.*"/>