Link Search Menu Expand Document

Via 20.2

Via 20.2 brings the following new and improved features:

  • User Interface
    • Alternative dark and light themes
    • improved several icons with support for Hi-DPI screens
  • Aggregation, OD Aggregation
    • completely reworked the settings dialog for Aggregation and OD Aggregation layers
    • ability to define multiple aggregations
    • aggregations can be visualized as symbols instead of zones-only
  • GIS interoperability
    • Export spatial data as GeoJSON (supporting GeoJSON Lines and GeoJSON FeatureCollection). In all places, where data could be exported as SHP files, the data can now also be exported as GeoJSON Lines (*.geojsonl, also known as newline-delimited GeoJSON, where each object is exported as a single GeoJSON object on a separate line), or as a single GeoJSON Feature-Collection. This applies to exporting networks, XY data, transit data, and aggregator zones.
    • Import GeoJSON data (alternative to SHP files) and visualize it with the Shapes layer.
    • Import GeoPackage data (alternative to SHP files) and visualize it with the Shapes layer.
    • Easier selection of coordinate reference systems. No need to predefine a required CRS in the settings, but one can just use and search for the required CRS by name or EPSG code.

In addition, there were several smaller improvements and some bugs fixed:

  • Improved scripting support for Network layer, including LinkVolumes and IntersectionFlows analysis.
  • Emissions plugin: Add support for additional emission types from HBEFA 4.1
  • Provide Trips and Legs to Aggregation analysis, not only Legs
  • Simplified selection of custom coordinate reference systems
  • Fix loading and displaying facilities’ activities options
  • Label backgrounds did not correctly scale with font size in some cases