Transit Editor
To edit a transit schedule in the scenario editor, choose “Public Transport” in the first section of the toolbar. A number of different tools are then available in the second section of the toolbar.
Selecting Stops and Lines
Choose the select tool, then click on a trnasit stop. The stop’s name as well as all lines serving this stop are listed on the right side. If multiple stops are located on top of each other, all transit stops at that coordinate will be listed.
Editing Transit Stops
If you have a stop selected, you can click on its Id or name to edit the information. To move a stop to a different location, choose the tool “Move Stop” from the toolbar, then click and drag the stop to its new location.
Editing Transit Lines
Select a stop, then select the line from the right side panel you want to edit and click on “Edit”. An editor-tab will appear on the right side where you can select the route to edit.
Currently, it is possible to edit:
- The route’s Id, description and mode
- the sequence of served stops along a route
- The travel time betewen stops and the time stops are being served (arrival- and departure-delays in MATSim’s file format)
- The individual departures that serve the route
- The sequence of links (the network route) a transit vehicle travels along to serve all stops
Editing Sequence of Stops
To remove a stop from the sequence of served stops, click on the trash-icon next to the stop name in the list.
To add a new stop at the end (or start) of a route, click on the last/first stop and keep the mouse-button pressed. Drag the mouse pointer to the next stop that should be added. A thin line appears while dragging, and a plus-icon appears once the mouse pointer is over an existing stop. Release the mouse button to add the stop to the route.
To add a new stop in the middle of a route, click and drag on a connection between two stops. Drag your mouse to the stop to be added, and release the mouse once the plus-icon appears.
Adapt the travel times and stop times for the newly added stops.
Editing Departures
Switch to the “Departures” tab in the editor panel on the right side.
Click on “Add Departure” to add a single departure.
To add multiple departures with a fixed headway, select an existing departure and click on “Duplicate”. When duplicating, you can specify the headway and the number of repetitions to add to the schedule.
Reverse a Transit Route
Choose a transit route to edit, then click on Duplicate beneath the route selection. You can then select between a regular duplicate of the route, or a reversed duplicate of the route.