Link Search Menu Expand Document

Network Editor

To edit a network in the scenario editor, choose “Network” in the first section of the toolbar. A number of different tools are then available in the second section of the toolbar.

Choose the select tool, then click on a link. The link’s attributes will be shown in the preview panel on the right. If it is a bidirectional link, two links’ attributes will be shown on the right, with an arrow indicating the direction of each link.

Hold down SHIFT while clicking on a link to add a link to the selection, or remove it from the selection. This allows you to select and edit multiple links at once.

To select all links within an area, choose “Lasso” as a tool. Start drawing a polygon in the map by clicking at various places. Clicking the first point closes the polygon. All links inside the polygon will be selected and could be edited together.

While you are in the select mode, you can click on “Search” in the toolbar and enter the link id that you want to select.

Choose the “Add Link” tool. Click on a link or a node to set the start location. If you click on a link, the link will be split and a new node inserted at that position. Move your mouse pointer to the desired target location of the new link and click again. Again, this can be an existing link or node, but can also be an empty place on the map, in which case a new node will be placed at the click location.

Click on “Done” in the toolbar, or press ESCAPE on your keyboard, to stop adding new links.